What is a Promo Video

What is a Promo Video? A Guide to Creating Engaging Promotional Videos with Examples!

Do you want to enthrall your audience, increase brand recognition, and encourage engagement? The effectiveness of promotional videos is undeniable. Making the best promotional videos is crucial for successfully delivering your message and standing out in the crowded digital landscape of today, where attention spans are short and competition is high.

However, what precisely is a promotional video? In this thorough guide, we’ll examine the concept of a promotional video, delve into its essential components, and give you insightful advice on how to make engaging promotional videos that have an impact. Prepare to learn the secrets behind the best promo videos so you can take your marketing to new heights.

What is a Promotional Video?

Promotional videos are those produced for marketing or advertising reasons to advertise a brand’s goods or services and raise its visibility, reputation, and sales. Selling goods or services is the ultimate objective of marketing.

Using appeals to emotions and specific marketing messaging, brand promo videos are a form of video advertising. Instead of shouting “Buy! Buy! Buy!” right in front of their viewers, they aim to offer something that will persuade the customer to choose their business.

Businesses must engage with their target market on a more intimate level to comprehend them. The brand may advertise itself in a variety of ways, including through an influencer, by talking about current events and how they connect to their business, or by sharing stories of how you have helped others.

Types of Promo Videos


About Us Promotional Videos

Promoting your brand, who you are, and what you stand for may be done effectively with the use of company promotional videos. They can be summaries of your company or in-depth, behind-the-scenes videos containing discussions with employees, endorsements from delighted clients, and more.

Product or Product Feature Promotional Videos

Product Promotional videos or for the services you sell ought to focus more on the user experience than on the features and advantages of the product (although there are various types of promotional videos). 

Use product promo movies to present a story about your product that appeals to viewers’ desires and enables them to obtain those desires through the use of your product. You should unquestionably make a product promo film for it to spread awareness if you’re releasing a new product.

Compared to ordinary product movies, product feature videos are a little more sales. You want to utilize a more direct approach in these promotional movies to emphasize how your good or service benefits customers. 

These are excellent videos to discuss how your product will impact their lives as a result of what it can accomplish, however, you still want them to experience it for themselves first.

Content Promotional Videos

Videos are fantastic for memory retention. In comparison to text content, which has a 10% retention rate, video viewers claim to keep 95% of the message they hear. 

This is not to say that text and written content isn’t important, but it makes a compelling case for producing visual films that market your content, highlight important ideas, and encourage those who are eager to learn more to read the entire thing.

Event Promotional Videos

If you want to develop your audience’s interest in an event that is going to be held soon, you should create a promo video

This video should ideally be 2-3 minutes long just to grab your viewers’ attention to attend the event so they don’t miss out on the best chunks of the event. Include videos of past events and testimonies from your attendees if this is a recurring event.

Importance of Promotional Video


The importance of promotional films cannot be stressed because they are so well-liked by the general audience. The following are some examples of the significance of promotional videos:

Emotional pitch

Despite having the urge to only use their minds, humans have been ultimately affected by their emotions. Product promotion videos act as an emotional hook for viewers. This will preserve public interest in the brand as well as their trust in it. Sales would then be produced automatically as a result.

Videos are the future

Everyone is aware that video is dominant and will continue to be the most widely used medium for connecting with audiences. Company promotional videos are utilized to advertise a company and discover what the majority of customers want. Promotional videos combine the brand’s message with what the public wants to see.

Different Channels

Advertising can only be effective if it reaches a large number of people. To broaden the reach, the platforms for promotion must be increased.

There are numerous platforms or ways to upload and promote videos. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest are some examples of the platforms. When you run your promotional videos on these platforms, you automatically reach out to your target audience.

Gaining Trust

Over fifty percent of the viewers claim that watching films makes buying easier. It helps individuals gain trust in the brand and everything it stands for, including its events, items, and services. Therefore, spending money on marketing films can assist companies in luring clients and loyal partners who will freely suggest their brand to others.

How to Create Promotional Videos?


Videos for promotions are really valuable. Because of this, starting to develop a promotional video that you and your team know will either have a significant impact on your brand or, well, flop, might feel overwhelming. 

Looking out how to create promotional videos? Hold on! We’re here to guide you through it.

Set Goals and Gather Materials

Setting goals is the first step in making the best promotional videos, as it is in nearly everything in life. What do you expect your promotion to achieve?

By focusing on what your campaign will accomplish for your business, you can create an outline for obtaining the remaining data, materials, and resources. There are three things you must accomplish before beginning video creation after you’ve chosen a goal:

  • Determine your brand personality and voice. Customers want to view material from celebrities and companies they enjoy. Therefore, you cannot simply write a script and record. You must investigate the personality of your brand. What impression do you want your brand to have on customers? How would you like to be perceived by them?
  • Make a compelling message. Although they are referred to as “promotional” videos, nobody enjoys constantly being sold to. Your films should combine selling and storytelling, and they must be relevant to the viewer.
  • Keep your budget in mind. When determining your budget, be sure to account for the desired duration because it may affect how much it costs to produce your business promotional video. Keep your worries about a small budget away. There are many beautiful advertising videos available that were created using a smartphone for recording and editing.
Outline and Storyboard

It’s time to grow now that you’ve established your goals and determined crucial details like your budget, brand voice, and the idea that you want to convey. Outline the story you came up with in the first step to begin. 

You are still developing your idea; you are not yet scripting. Just concentrate right now on crafting your point of view into a narrative. How can you communicate your message in a way that will engage your audience?

Once you have a draft, you can start thinking about your angle and how you want to tell the tale. Will you concentrate on customers’ problems, seek an influencer to spread your message, or instruct your prospective clients?


You can choose to take up completely different activities. If you’re having trouble, go back to your objectives and think about what information your audience needs for you to succeed. From there, you ought to have sufficient information to begin writing your video script. Add a call to action, and be sure to do so!

At this time, we strongly advise storyboarding your video. Storyboarding is a technique for putting your promotional video’s plot into visual form. The specifics of your video—sound effects, voiceovers, camera perspectives, special effects, etc.—come into play at this point. 

Your promotional film will be exactly what you anticipate it to be if you use storyboarding to fill in any plot holes and provide the rest of your team with production guidelines.


The video production can now begin. Your story and message begin to take on greater weight at this point. Included in the production process are:

  • Sound, lighting, and equipment set up
  • Interviews
  • Voiceovers
  • Filming b-roll footage

You’ll put your brand promo video together in this step using the video and audio from Step 3 as a foundation. It can require several rounds of editing to get it where you would like it, but if you’ve complied with these instructions, you’ll have everything set up to make the process simple. After the film has been produced:

  • Editing
  • Review and feedback
  • Version comparison
  • Final approval
  • Delivery

You now have a promotional film, which is wonderful! No, you shouldn’t yet take a seat and unwind. You now need to advertise it. Funny, yes? promoting a product promotional video? Have faith in us. 

You’ll want to take every step imaginable to make sure that as many individuals as possible view the video you’ve put your whole being into. You can advertise your video in the following ways:

  • Give your email marketing efforts a thumbnail. You created your email list specifically for this purpose. Now, don’t be hesitant. Send your email list a link to that promotional video. Lastly, about thumbnails.
  • Make sure the thumbnail for your video is appealing and interesting. The thumbnail advertises the video and encourages viewers to press “play.”
  • You should give your video player sharing buttons. People will share your video if it is intriguing and interesting. Facilitate their task.
  • In your email signature, include links to video landing pages. Simple? Yes. Effective? Yes, again.
  • Post your video on all of your social media channels. Make an Instagram teaser video that you can use in posts and stories. Post a link to your video on Twitter. Your YouTube promotional video should be shared. With video and social media, the possibilities are endless.
What Is The Difference Between Promotion And Advertising?


Advertising is a one-way exchange of a persuading message by a designated sponsor to promote products or services to prospective buyers in an impersonal manner. Medium-sized to large businesses typically use advertising.

Promotion typically entails a quick enticement for a buyer (intermediate dealer or end-user). Disseminating knowledge about a product, product range, brand, or business is another aspect of it. Companies of all sizes employ promotional videos. 

What Makes a Good Promo Video?

Although the concept of the promo video may appear straightforward, there are several crucial components you shouldn’t forget to include when making your own.

  • Think like a teaser. Going in-depth on your product or service is not the aim of your promotional video. Use brief cuts in your edit and attractive sound bites or headlines to draw viewers’ attention to the promotion or function you’re highlighting.
  • Stay focused. Keep your business promotional video focused solely on the specifics of the event if you’re advertising one. What will the visitors encounter there? Who will be the vendors there? Perhaps most importantly, when is everything going to happen?
  • Don’t overlook graphics. Whether it’s a coupon code for a percentage off or the time and date when an event or special period ends, you’ll want to incorporate a visual call to action. To aid the viewer in concentrating on what you’re trying to get them to remember, use graphic titles.
  • Create multiple versions for social. Your company’s promotional videos should be utilized frequently, especially for time-sensitive marketing. To prevent your social media feeds from becoming too monotonous, try making a few different edits to your promotional videos.
  • You can use promos for your business. Feel free to create a promotional video even if you don’t have a deal. Just like you would with a scheduled promotion or event, you can utilize a promotional video to tease or highlight a particular feature of your brand.
4 Examples of Exceptional Promotional Videos

We have compiled a list of some of the best examples of promotional videos ever created to demonstrate the virtually limitless potential of a quick video for business promotion. 

Geico: A Happy Camel Day

This company’s promotional video was first released in 2013 and in that era, this was the 9th most watched ad on YouTube. Till now this video has nearly 5 million views and was added to dictionary.com as well.

The phrase “Happy hump day!” first gained attention in the 1950s. At that time Wednesday was considered as the hump day and the most difficult day of the week. Workers would motivate one another to get through the week on Wednesdays.

Wednesday is referred to as “a hump day” in the workplace even today because it is the middle of the week and two days before the weekend. In their promotional video, the well-known insurance company Geico elevated this workplace slang to a new level.

It’s a hump day, which makes an imaginary camel in the office happy even though other workers are exhausted and uninterested.  The joke is intended to convey the idea that Geico customers may save a significant amount of money on Wednesday, making them as happy as a camel.

GoPro: Wherever You Go, Make a Video to Remember

GoPro revealed the Hero10, their newest model, in September 2021. It has a strong processor, significantly improved high-definition video performance, smoothness stabilization, and other incredible features for video fans.

In just a few short months since the video was posted to GoPro’s official YouTube account, around a million people have already viewed it. We can see GoPro speaking directly to its intended audience in the film. These are individuals who take pleasure in extreme sports, beautiful natural settings, and other forms of recreation. 

We can see the little GoPro camera tracking energetic people throughout as the scenes quickly shift. They record themselves snowboarding and skiing in the Alps, swimming, racing in the desert, practicing yoga, and flying airplanes. The message is quite clear: a traveler’s camera will be with them wherever they go.



We decided that including one animated video on this list would be a nice idea. People occasionally overlook the fact that there are two main types of video promotions: live-action and animated ones. 

Of course, some people combine the two, and this is a very fascinating group. A software called Klear performs media analytics to assist brands in locating the ideal influencers who can strengthen their marketing strategy. 

The animated commercial explains to the audience how the platform functions. This movie is unique in that it is done so cleverly and seamlessly that you don’t even realize how much you have learned in just one and a half minutes.

Bonus: Apple at Work from Home

Even though most of the movies on this list are brief advertisements, Apple’s 6-minute video merits at least a brief presentation. 

We witness a remote team struggle to complete a project under inadequate supervision and with no access to personal space, tools, or time.

In the context of modern work from home, Apple’s most recent technology comes to the rescue. More than 32 million people have watched the film, but not everyone laughed at it, particularly the remote team managers who serve as the major antagonists.

Ending Note!


By now you have a clear understanding of what promotional video is and what part it plays in your marketing plan. We have depicted almost all the details in this guide necessary to give you an idea of it.

Striking the correct mix is crucial if you want your promotion – and brand – to succeed because promo videos serve a specific purpose while also elevating your overall brand identity and voice.

While making a good promotional video can appear simple, it’s not necessarily simple. Don’t cut corners when it comes to producing the ideal video collateral because appropriate promotional video-making services can help you generate significant revenue for your business. 

AFX Web Studios, masters’ 2d animation services, and 3d animation services lend a helping hand to you for creating promotional videos that are a perfect blend of art and creativity.

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