
What Is Motion Graphics: Definition and Guide to Creating Your Animated Visuals!

Welcome to the fascinating world of motion graphic animation! Motion graphics have become a dynamic and captivating form of communication in the modern digital age when visuals have a great deal of power. This tutorial is meant to help you learn the secrets of motion graphics, whether you’ve admired captivating animated videos or pondered how to make your own.

We’ll discuss the definition of motion graphics, look at some of its many uses, and provide you with the information and resources you need to start working on your creative projects. So let’s get started and learn how to hypnotically add motion to static photographs!

 What Are Motion Graphics?

What Is Motion Graphics: Definition and Guide to Creating Your Animated Visuals!

Animation is motion graphics, yet text plays a significant role in them. Animated graphic design is what it is. The difference between motion graphics and full animation has been a point of contention ever since they first appeared on the scene.

A pioneering instance of motion graphics that successfully combines sound, motion, and graphic design is the initial credits to Hitchcock’s Psycho. Motion graphics animation can be used to interact with the audience and develop the plot.

They can convey a message to us when paired with appropriate music and persuasive writing. They are employed in the production of commercials, movie title sequences, tutorial videos, and informational content.

 What Is The Difference Between 3D Animation And Motion Graphics?


The most asked question: motion graphics vs. animation? 3D animation aims to produce realistic, vibrant, and detailed digital scenes. To achieve an engaging result, the characters, items, and settings must all be properly examined.

Particularly in interactive works where the player controls the camera position, every element of a scene needs to be created. In the end, 3D animations tell stories in a variety of forms.

Motion graphics are used to present information interestingly and memorably. Many individuals will rapidly forget the details presented in news reports and social media posts if there is no movement, sound, or color.

While motion graphics can be amusing, it would be more correct to describe them as exciting. Only long enough for the topic of discourse to be grasped, they capture the viewer’s interest. Even while 3D cartoons can have lengths comparable to full-length movies, most motion graphics compositions are fairly modest in size.

 The 3 Main Types Of Motion Graphics

The primary objective of a motion graphic video is to effectively communicate a message or tell a story. The objectives may be to increase sales, inform the audience about your business and the products and services it offers, or prompt action from them.

We will discuss which sort of motion graphic video will best meet your objectives in this article because there are many different types. In conclusion, 3 basic categories can be used to group motion graphics animation.


Promotional Videos: To Help Sell a Product or Service

When employing a promotional video, your objective should be to increase conversions from your audience. In this scenario, your motion graphic will concentrate on all the specifics that encourage viewers to buy your product or service.

Explainer Videos: To Help Define a Concept, Product, or Service

When concepts are complicated, they must be properly stated so that a non-specialist may grasp the main elements of your case. If you provide a particular service or product, you’ll need a video explainer to walk your audience through the various procedures while providing precise information and straightforward technical explanations.

Emotive Videos: Move Your Audience To Feel Something

You want to elicit a strong, emotional response from your audience and invite them to take a particular action. This is only possible if the narrative you are presenting causes people to experience a particular emotion. To accomplish this in this style of video, compelling storytelling is necessary.

Uses of Motion Graphics Today


The expansion of technology and the prevalence of screens in our daily lives has increased the potential applications for graphic motion design. What was formerly just utilized to deliver technical knowledge and establish the tone for a story is now utilized for a variety of functions.

On television, graphic motion design is used to convey information via bumpers, lower thirds, and many other techniques. It also serves as the channel’s video brand. Additionally, it is included in both their virtual backgrounds and the forecasting screen on the news.

Subsequently the beginning of television, the motion has been used to help make channels and shows memorable. It has subsequently become an essential component of television’s identity. Through the specialized field of UX Motion Design, the motion has been significantly contributing to the advancement of websites and apps by helping to create improved user experiences.

Motion graphics and animation graphics stand out when it comes to advertising, particularly on social media, in everything from intricate, narrative-driven ads to straightforward animated Instagram posts. It’s an excellent tool for making businesses stand out from the competition.

Other applications range from animated menus at fast-food restaurants to illuminated signs at concerts and airports. Everywhere motion is used, and each setting explores the potential of motion on another level.

How to Create Motion Graphic Videos?

Motion graphics can be used in a variety of settings to add some lightness and life to a presentation or movie. Creating a video infographic? Motion graphics can breathe some life into the figures. Here are some easy steps to do so!


Define Your Audience, Concept & Goals

The act of being creative can be an unpredictable and unstable journey. It’s crucial to identify your project’s goals for motion graphics at an early stage for calmer sailing.

  • Obtain information about your audience. Understanding your audience is a crucial step in achieving the intended result. You can quickly access historical marketing data through popular marketing and data analytics applications, or you can design specialized polls and surveys for more focused results.
  • Using information about your audience, create a target persona. This will enable you to focus on the message and material that will appeal to your intended audience. Will it be sentimental because your target audience is a middle-class millennial who still uses analog cameras and does his home film development? Or, because your target audience is a no-nonsense nine-to-fiver who is focused on efficiency, will your motion graphic design appear more like an Apple commercial—clean, succinct, and elegant?
Generate Ideas Through Brainstorming

Now that you are aware of your target market, prepare a pen and paper (or an electronic notepad) to write down your motion graphics concepts. It’s time to begin writing down your most irrational thoughts. Yes, you heard correctly — “a pen and paper” and “wildest imaginations.”

This is the period of brainstorming, where your task is to come up with fresh concepts while investigating various animation motion techniques, regardless of how bizarre and unconventional they may seem. Give your imagination free rein right now. There’s no need to overthink the motion design process!

We’re here to let you know that the majority of the ideas you’ll come up with at this point won’t cut. After that, based on the data you currently have on your audience, you may apply the process of deletion to select the best of the best.

Pro tip: Don’t attempt to complete this procedure in a single sitting. After one successful, fruitful session, put some space between yourself and your thoughts. The good ideas will sparkle like stars if you take a break by going for a stroll, napping, or returning the next day.

Write a Script To Tell Your Story


Whether you want to make an animated graphic design component with no audio or an audiovisual motion graphic, scriptwriting is essential to the flow of your project. Scripts are produced for conversation, action, or both in motion graphics videos.

Ensure simplicity. Establishing a course that is more closely aligned with your initial ideas, will assist you in avoiding misunderstandings. There are four different kinds of stories:

  • Linear
  • Non-linear
  • Quest
  • Viewpoint

We advise sticking with a linear narrative for the idea and scripting if you’re just starting. This will be simpler to carry out because the “story” is presented straightforwardly and sequentially, from “Once upon a time” through “happily ever after.”

Create Your Storyboard

We can now utilize the script as a guide for our storyboard since we’ve got it. A storyboard does not require the artistic talent of Pablo Picasso. It suffices if you can depict a product feature with stick figures or square tiles.

The basis of every motion graphics video is its script, which should be in line with a strong storyboard. Although it may seem simple to translate the script into stick figures, this step requires careful thought. What will a line of writing appear like when it moves?

As always, keeping things simple and doing what comes to mind first is usually the best course of action.

Animate The Final Designs!

You will undoubtedly be able to build your motion graphic animations from zero if you are already experienced with video editing programs like Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.

If you’re looking to get started, having knowledge of Adobe Illustrator or expertise in vector illustration is a huge benefit. You may immediately begin animating after importing vector graphics from Illustrator into After Effects!

How Do Motion Graphics Help Brands?


Video is a powerful medium because it integrates audio and visual processing, which makes it simpler for the audience to understand the message. But there are several reasons why motion graphics are so effective.

They’re a Flexible Storytelling Tool

You may use a variety of animation motion graphics technologies to tell compelling stories. Stunning graphics, potent speech, and ominous music can all come together to provide a potent piece of content. 

The best part is that motion graphics give you the freedom to express visual stories without being bound by the restrictions of live-action video (such as performers, settings, tools, etc.). Without adding a pyrotechnics budget, you can easily animate any world you wish to see. 

This is especially useful if you want to tell stories that are emotionally charged. We quickly identify with and mimic the feelings of the experiences we see shown on a screen due to the phenomena of emotional contagion. Motion graphics designs are an excellent method to elicit emotion from your audience, whether you’re trying to incite happiness or compassion.

They’re A Passive Experience

Consumers view video content for about 19 hours per week, according to a study. It’s not shocking. We all recall being relieved when a substitute teacher showed a video in class since it meant we had nothing to do. Both are motion graphics. Viewers are not required to read, investigate data, or use much mental effort.

All they need to do is hit “play” and relax. Using motion graphics to convey a condensed message makes it simpler for viewers to understand.

They Distill Information For Easy Comprehension


Because your brain interprets visual information nearly immediately, visual communication is powerful. Because of this, it often helps to “see” things to better understand them. Motion graphics animation aids in simplifying difficult information through visual storytelling, effectively conveying a brand’s message. This is particularly helpful for:

  • Tutorials: When demonstrating a process to someone, motion graphics are useful. Because of this, explainer videos frequently feature motion graphics.
  • Processes: Motion graphics are an excellent way to explain how something works, just like tutorials are.
  • Data visualization: Data that appears voluminous and difficult to understand can be vividly visualized in a motion graphic.
  • Abstract concepts: Motion graphics are an excellent means to make information clearer, provide context, or explain something.
They Can Be Repurposed

Since video is now supported by social and media platforms, you can distribute your motion graphics everywhere and in a variety of ways, which will help your campaigns last longer. A video could be divided into several parts to produce information that is suitable for various audiences.

A presentation or e-book may include your motion graphic. This is particularly true if your motion graphic addresses an ongoing issue. Your work spent developing a motion graphic will pay off in the form of an effective communication tool that will last for many years.

They Communicate a Lot In a Short Amount Of Time

The majority of motion graphics and animation graphics range in length from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, which is quite useful when you need to make an effect right away. 

Motion graphics maximize human information processing capacities by fusing auditory and visual elements, enabling you to convey more information while using less content. A minute can demonstrate what a 1,500-word piece might explain.

In 15 seconds, a complex process may be visually explained. Motion graphics are especially helpful if you’re in a situation where you can’t rely on audio, like a bustling trade fair floor, due to their intrinsic visual nature.

As a result, animated motion graphics can be utilized to convey information through many contact points, such as:

  • Traditional ads: Online or television commercials.
  • Promo videos: Anything that promotes your work or business, whether editorially or commercially, such as viral videos, testimonials, case studies, and product reviews.
  • Explainer videos: Introductions, summaries, instructions, and guides for certain goods, services, or concepts.
  • Culture marketing videos: Content to showcase your brand, people, or causes.
  • Social videos: Social media engagement content for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and other platforms. Possibly instructive or purely entertaining.
  • Sales collateral: Information about the business, its products, or anything else a sales staff frequently communicates.

Wrap Up!


Go out and create an animation video now that you know what motion graphics are and how to make an animation video. We’re telling you that motion graphics is a fantastic subset of animation that keeps getting more and more popular. Innovative ideas can result from an understanding of its unique applications and capabilities.

Keep in mind that motion graphics include more than just appealing motions; it mixes design and communication to breathe life into a work. 

So, if you need assistance with your videos, you’ve come to the perfect place! Our many clients have benefited from the high-quality animated motion graphics services provided by AFX Web Studios in developing their visual identities. To get a quote, get in touch with us now!

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