
How to Make an Informational Video with No Editing Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you keen to connect with your audience with informational video material and impart vital knowledge? Bring your concept to life without any prior editing experience! In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of how to create an informational video, even if you’re a complete novice.

Find out the most important tips and techniques along with the much-needed guidance you require to produce engaging videos for your audience. This article is a comprehensive guide that will teach you to produce engaging informational videos regardless of your profession.

Together, let’s explore the world of producing informational videos.

 What Is An Informational Video?


Before diving into the question of how to make an informative video, let’s know what it is. Briefly put, informational videos are visual teaching resources that show users how to do a task or illustrate a concept.  The finest informational videos employ text, audio, and visual effects to make them interesting and eye-catching.

To highlight important points and make the content more concentrated and absorbed, an informational video may also include several animations, graphics, and on-screen comments. Of course, since making educational videos is very simple (and enjoyable), their advantages extend beyond only those of the viewers.

When you begin generating your informational videos, you can also discover that they can allow you to clarify your thoughts, ideas, and procedures while also greatly improving the way you teach and learn.

 The Types of Instructional/Informational Videos

Now before knowing how to make an informational video you better know the types of informative videos. There is no restriction on the subjects that instructional films can cover, which is fantastic.

An instructional/informational film, for instance, could be a product display, a how-to manual, a software tutorial, or a safety process.  So let’s examine some of the most popular categories of instructional videos in more detail.



Micro videos are condensed, quick tutorials that focus on imparting information on a single, limited subject without delving too far.

In reality, “micro-video” is just another way of saying “short video.” They are usually less than a minute long and are made to be extremely brief. Micro videos, like many other sorts of video content, can be either extremely professional or very casual, depending on their intended audience and purpose.

Furthermore, short videos can convey a certain point without being overly informational. Micro video enables viewers to quickly master a new skill or acquire information on a certain subject by concentrating on one particular topic.

Explainer Videos


The greatest explainer videos are brief (in the range of 30 seconds to a few minutes), similar to an elevator pitch of the modern era. Additionally, they are made to instantly grab the viewer’s attention and clarify concepts, goods, and services.

These movies are a well-liked method for companies to introduce and clarify difficult (and perhaps even simple!) subjects in a fun and visually appealing way. Even while it isn’t always essential, some explainer films will employ a mixture of animation, graphics, and voiceovers to assist capture the audience’s attention and impart information.

The fact that explainer films can convey information in a clear, compelling, and entertaining manner is one of their main benefits. Explainer videos can assist in establishing a distinct and unique message that connects with viewers by utilizing a blend of narration, animation, and images.

Explainer videos are also a cheap and effective way to reach broad audiences because they are simple to publish on social media channels.

Tutorial Videos


Tutorial videos, also called “how-to” videos, are the preferred instructional format for explaining a procedure or providing step-by-step instructions. They typically last between two and ten minutes.

Contrary to micro videos, tutorials usually describe more involved procedures and frequently include clear directions and follow-along help. Quizzes and other interactive features that keep viewers interested sometimes make the finest tutorial videos.

Understanding the target audience and the objective of the film can help determine how polished it should be, as with other video content.

Lectures or Presentations


An efficient strategy to increase the audience for your material and provide viewers the option of absorbing it at their speed is to record your presentation or lecture.

Audiences have the added option to pause, rewind, or fast-forward as necessary, allowing them to go back to any passages they may have missed or didn’t completely comprehend the first time. You can make sure that your educational material is more available while promoting a better knowledge of the subject by offering this level of flexibility.

Additionally, making this kind of instructional film doesn’t have to be difficult. For instance, you might make a straightforward audio-visual presentation using only your voice and the slide show. Or you might set up a camera to go along with your presentation for something more formal.

Training Videos

How to Make an Informational Video with No Editing Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide

Compared to the types of instructional films we’ve discussed so far, training videos are more focused. They are an effective technique for enhancing workers’ job competencies and addressing interpersonal issues that are crucial for upholding a positive work environment.

Training films are moreconcerned with honing job-specific abilities and covering work-related subjects than tutorial videos are, despite some obvious parallels. These themes include compliance and health and safety training.

Additionally, training videos are more certain to include footage of real individuals, which can be utilized to provide instances of situations that might occur in real life. This might also improve the trainer’s ability to relate to the students. There are no strict guidelines, and this is not a prerequisite for producing a training video, as with most video content.

Animations and graphics are visual elements that can be equally helpful in producing entertaining and educational training videos. The most crucial thing to keep in mind is that the greatest training films will assist firms in enhancing employee performance and understanding while encouraging a favorable educational and growth culture.


Videos called screencasts are produced mostly from screen recordings to impart knowledge or show someone how to do a task. You might produce a screencast teaching how to use a screen recorder to generate an instructional film, for instance!

In comparison to tutorial videos, they are typically brief, informal, and targeted towards smaller audiences. The benefit of screencasts is that they give the teacher the ability to swiftly pull information from their screen to respond to a student’s query or explain a concept.

Since screencasts can be created so rapidly and with little expense in production value, they are frequently viewed as “disposable” videos. However, this does not rule out the possibility of screencasts having long-term value as well.  

A well-made software lesson screencast, for example, may prove helpful for months and be utilized to onboard new employees or instruct clients.

What Makes a Good Informational Video?

Now you must be wondering how to make an informative video interesting? The truth is we’ve been spoiled by extraordinarily inventive artists on platforms like YouTube, so we have no idea of what a subpar video looks like. I think I see why they don’t receive as much attention as the good ones.


Premium Quality Production

Once you’ve secured a great speaker to convey your message, it’s essential to hire a skilled editor to put your video together in the post-production stage. This is not the best way to deliver information, even though you can listen to someone speaking right in front of you without losing focus.

To correct any errors the narrator makes and convey the content in a steady and accessible way, video editing enables us to establish a rhythm and maintain a regular speed throughout the film. We encourage “jump cuts,” or video cuts when the subject appears to “jump” a little bit since the duration was cut.

Although informational videos aren’t intended to be high-quality productions like films or TV shows, editors can help spare the viewer’s time by removing any pointless “ums” and “ahs” the narrator may use.

Expert Narration

The first requirement for good videos is a narrator. A pleasant voice in the background speaking to you as the information is being shown to you on the screen, or a combination of shots showing the narrator speaking to you while the material is being shown at various points.

Whatever method you use, you must have someone speaking so that the audience can listen. Why isn’t the viewer merely reading an article on the same subject if there is only information on the screen to read? Additionally, our narrator must be excellent; anyone won’t do.

Even if you have your facts straight and your script is written out, it won’t matter if the reader lacks the right inflection, tone, or tempo. While the narrator does not necessarily need to be the next candidate for president when giving a speech, they do need to do so with authority to hold the audience’s interest.

The audience feels as though they are having a discussion with the narrator when the narrator is on screen, which also aids in maintaining attention. Even though it could be challenging with a teleprompter, the narrator should keep eye contact to give the “conversation” a feeling of intimacy.

Conceptual Content

In the end, it’s crucial to provide your viewers with accurate information. These abilities weren’t only for college, therefore devote the time to ensure your sources are reliable.

We see sensationalist material spreading online far too frequently when it is wholly incorrect. Make sure the information you offer is credible and do your part. Be sure to keep your presentation on topic and attempt to address as many of the questions you believe the audience may have.

Nothing is more satisfying to an inquisitive spectator than receiving an answer to a query without even having to seek it. Online video has transformed how we obtain information and is making it simpler than ever to communicate ideas, principles, and viewpoints.

However, due to the greater production schedule required to fulfill demand and the additional time required to obtain reliable information, its rising popularity has made the work of these online creators more challenging. Although it seems like a nightmare, they consistently respond that they would like to be doing something else when questioned about it.

How to Create an Informational Video with 0 Editing Experience

If you’re reading this, it’s possible that you’re trying to figure out how to make an informative video but are unsure of where to start.  You don’t need to be concerned any longer since we are here to walk you through the process step by step until you are an expert at making informational videos.

How to Make an Informational Video with No Editing Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Choose Your Instructional Video Style

When you’re prepared to produce an instructional video, the first step you must do is to decide how the video will look. Question yourself on things like:

  • What is the size of my budget? What budget do I have for developing an online course?
  • What time do I have left?
  • How should my video be framed? Do I require it to adhere to a particular brand style?
  • Is a video editor necessary, or can I make my own?

Your best option for an instructional video format will depend on your responses to these questions and a more thorough evaluation of your needs. There are other ways to produce educational videos, but in this article, we’ll go into detail about the four most well-liked and successful methods.

Animated Videos

This way of writing is excellent for describing ideas or procedures. It uses illustrations to keep viewers focused and visually direct them, making it simpler for them to comprehend difficult information.

Whether you are an animation designer or knowledgeable about animation tools, this might not be a good fit if you seek creative control.

Videos Featuring Your Employees

Consider employing some of your staff as actors if you need to make a live-action educational video for, say, your business. But whether you like it or not, the truth is that it could be difficult to locate willing workers because most individuals are camera-shy.

Live-Action Videos with Real Actors

Who doesn’t enjoy those expert videos that have real individuals telling stories? It’s simple to become engrossed in these training films because of the human element, whether it be through an inspirational approach or laughing. But producing these types of instructional videos involves time and money that not everybody has.

AI Instructional Videos

With AI creator video platforms, creating excellent instructive films is simple. Both a recording studio and prior video editing knowledge are not required.

Additionally, making your videos with AI is inexpensive and will save you a ton of time because it only takes a few minutes.

Step 2: Be Clear Of Your Target Audience, Your Message, and Objectives

Even though you aspire to be a filmmaker, a tutorial video may be not the best forum for showcasing your abilities as the next Stanley Kubrick.

People will watch your video wanting to learn as soon and effectively as possible, so you must establish clear goals and keep the video brief to meet their expectations. How do you prevent your videos from turning into a three-hour documentary, though and how to make a short informational video?

Determine Your Target Audience

You must identify your target audience before you begin to produce videos. Knowing this will make it simpler for you to convey your thoughts in your explainer film in an effective manner.

Remember the Reason for Making a Video

We get that when someone is passionate about something, talking for hours on end is natural. But it’s crucial to keep on topic and avoid wandering off course. The most effective explainer videos are never long.

Keep In Mind Your Objectives

A defined learning purpose is crucial. Try to maintain the video’s learning objectives in mind at all times.

Step 3: Make Sure Your Script Video Narrates a Story

Never undervalue the power of language. We guarantee that even with the best graphics, sound effects, and visuals, an instructional video won’t be successful if the script is unclear, drawn out, or boring.

So certainly, if you want to make a fantastic instructional video, you absolutely must have a wonderful screenplay. But how can you guarantee amazing storytelling if you have never had a book published? Not to worry; scriptwriting is simpler than you would imagine. We’ll go through various pointers and techniques after using the AI video below as an example.

  • Just before writing the very first line, the first step begins: All the information you would like to convey should be broken down.
  • “Break the ice.” Begin your script by introducing yourself or your company informally. The ideal voice for any video script is that of a casual chat.
  • Tell them what you’re going to talk about in one short sentence: You can introduce the subject, as in this video, by saying something like, “You will find out about…” “Today, I’m going to speak about…”
  • Give definitions in straightforward terms.
  • If at all possible, use real-world examples to illustrate your points.

Ta-da! And there you have it—a fantastic script.

Step 4: Choose the Spot on Design/Template

First impressions count, and your video’s visual components are crucial to its success. But if you know nothing about design, how can you make a polished video that fits your brand?

TEMPLATES are the solution. Some websites online offer pre-made, completely editable templates that would be the pride of any designer. Depending on the theme, the environment, the required colors, and other factors, you can select your preferred template.

Step 5: Share Your Informational Video with the World

Why restrict your audience when you have a fantastic screenplay and a flawless video? You can connect with more people by using AI. Yet how?

People like to learn from peers because they can relate to them on a personal level, but employing actors can be costly and difficult. However, utilizing AI avatars is quite inexpensive and produces the same result.

Additionally, you may utilize your voice or the voices of others to translate your video tutorial into dozens of various languages and dialects when using AI-enabled websites.

Create Your Informational Videos to Get Started Now!


It’s time to make the most of your knowledge and turn it into gold now that you know how to make an efficient instructional video.

Remember that using some AI tools and platforms doesn’t require you to be a poet or an expert in video production; all you need is a marketable concept.

If you have no idea where to start, you just have to reach out to AFX Animators. We are Explainer video creation experts with years of experience in 2D animation and 3D animation. We can turn your ideas and concepts into reality.

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